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Earn Your Master's in Business Administration (MBA) Degree
Complete your MBA degree for an estimated $13,164 Analyze and adapt to shifts in the marketplace with the broad range of disciplines and skills acquired in our online MBA degree program. Online competency-based education (CBE) allows you to speed through what you already know and focus on new material. It’s easy to get started and you can complete your MBA degree in as few as 18 months.
With over 120 years of experience as a trusted business school, we make it our mission to provide career-focused degree programs based on job market needs.
This unique approach to learning will help you gain the confidence and expertise to advance in a variety of relevant areas, including:
- Business analytics and intelligence
- Change management
- Client relations
- Corporate responsibility and sustainability
- Education
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial management
- General and operations management
- Government services
- Healthcare administration
- Human resources
- Leadership and innovation
- Logistics and manufacturing
- Marketing and sales strategy
- Operations management
- Organizational leadership
- Project management
- Senior level management
- Supply chain
- Value chain management
Ready to Learn More?
As a fully online MBA degree student, you will:
- Advance in a broad range of skills, from value chain management, operations management, financial management, strategic planning, and organizational leadership to marketing strategy, business intelligence and analytics, entrepreneurship, innovation, change management, and corporate responsibility and sustainability.
- Gain integrative experience and experiential learning for the evolving global economy.
- Enhance six employer-valued transferable skills, or soft skills:
- critical thinking,
- digital fluency,
- information literacy,
- communication,
- diversity, equity and inclusion, and
- ethics and professional responsibility.
- Learn from innovative, relevant and progressive curriculum designed by industry experts with over 130 years of combined experience. You get the support of faculty ready to help with access to their real-world insight.
- Interact virtually with doctoral-prepared instructors who are accomplished professionals in business management and administration, accounting, marketing, finance, and organizational leadership and management.
- Approach coursework through the lens of your specific industry to help you apply what you’ve learned to real-life experiences.
- Find the support you need with 24-hour technical support, tutoring assistance and business library and learning services.
- Start soon with four start dates a year and no GRE/GMAT requirement or application fees.
Empowered Learning®
Your online Business Administration degree courses are built in Empowered Learning®, which allows you to:
- Access courses anytime, from almost anywhere
- Go faster when you can, and slower when you need to
- Create real-world projects that prove your new knowledge
- Stay connected with faculty and peers in live sessions
Still curious about Empowered Learning®? Watch the video to learn more.